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ребята ни у кого нету шаблона EVA последней версии
Please how do I change the default picture in beta theme homepage
replace oc-content/themes/beta/images/slide/slide.jpg
Всем привет. Купил шаблон Gamma. Установил на локальном сервере для тестирования. А на главной странице и на страницах поиска образовались пробелы, объявления без фото вообще другого размера. Поддержка пишит всякую ерунду, вообще не в кассу... Кто сталкивался? И как лечить?


  • Error.jpg
    436,8 KB · Просмотры: 55
Hello everyone. I bought a Gamma template. Installed on a local server for testing. And on the main page and on the search pages, spaces formed, ads without photos of a completely different size. Support writes all sorts of nonsense, not at the cash register at all ... Who came across? And how to treat?
Don't you like to share the latest version here with us? :)
Hello everyone. I bought a Gamma template. Installed on a local server for testing. And on the main page and on the search pages, spaces formed, ads without photos of a completely different size. Support writes all sorts of nonsense, not at the cash register at all ... Who came across? And how to treat?
Don't you like to share the latest version here with us? :)
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