Модуль Модули для PrestaShop - 3 часть

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i have the last one, i bought from prestashop.
but how can i have it verybody can use ?
i have bought some prestashop 1.6 modules and themes.
i want to give favour back to community. how can i make it null and share it herer

Hi dear member of nulled forum. We really appreciate your will to share your modules with community. To do so, you could upload your modules, on your personal "cloud", and share the link to the folder with the modules here, by adding quote or comment. Please, don't forget to hide the link, by putting it between two
tags. Thank you in advance.
i have the last one, i bought from prestashop.
but how can i have it verybody can use ?

Hi dear member of nulled forum. We really appreciate your will to share your modules with community. To do so, you could upload your modules, on your personal "cloud", and share the link to the folder with the modules here, by adding quote or comment. Members of the community will try to figure out how to use it. Please, don't forget to hide the link, by putting it between two
tags. Thank you in advance.
Anybody has a live chat or support module ? please share.
Thank you

Hello dear member of "nulled" forum. You could try to use this sollution. I personally use it. On its basis, you could build powerful system of live-support, dirrectly on your shop.
But you will need to make, tiny, quite simple, integration with Prestashop. Here is the link to the site of the project:
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
You could also try a module, based on the same live-chat sollution. Here is the link to the site of the module:
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
It is free.
if i upload the modules here, will this close my account at prestashop.
cause they are validating the modules with domain names i have
Ошибка 404 - можно перезалить модуль подарков?
if i upload the modules here, will this close my account at prestashop.
cause they are validating the modules with domain names i have
As far as we all uploading modules here, nobody was banned.
But if you like any module and find it useful, please buy it after all. Let developers earn some money for their work.
Mожет есть у кого "Customer Ratings and Reviews Pro + Google Rich Snippets Module" ?
Спасибо :)
Будьте добры, подскажите что-то подобное. Спасибо.
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