[Другое] - TinyMCE -

тож ищу последний MCImageManager ...
А ни кто не знает может есть в нете хороший FAQ по настройке TinyMCE, т.к. я себе поставил его на сайт - локально вроде все работает, а на сервере ничего не пашет, сплошные ошибки, и переносит слова <p> -тегом :(

для тега <p>
		force_br_newlines : true
ищу MCImageManager, потому что цена на офф. сайте очень огорчает, а функционал отменный :ay:
Вышла 2008-01-30 TinyMCE 3.0 final

ru _http://tinymce.ru/
Так никто и не видел данного MCImageManager плагина в живую?
А где можно взять расширения на тини, а то очень неудобно для добавления картинок с сервака сначала заливать из через фтп...
А где можно взять расширения на тини, а то очень неудобно для добавления картинок с сервака сначала заливать из через фтп...

ну ты уж совсем жесть описал )
заливать заранее можно через медиа-менеджер жумлы.
еще к tiny можно прикрутить для загрузки картинок Ajax File Manager
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

или как аналог поставить Joomla FCK Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
TinyMCE 3.0.5 Released
Added new black skin variant to the o2k7 skin contributed by Stefan Moonen.
Added new explode method to the tinymce core class. This does a split but removed whitespace it also defaults to a , delimiter.
Added new detection logic for IE 8 standards mode into the DOMUtils class strMode can now be checked to see if that mode is on/off.
Added new noscale option value for the scale select box for Flash in the media plugin.
Fixed bug where the menu for the ColorSplitButton wasn't removed when the editor was removed.
Fixed bug where font colors couldn't be edited correctly since the style of the element didn't get updated correctly.
Fixed bug where class of elements would get lost when TinyMCE was fixing incorrect HTML markup.
Fixed bug where table editing would produce double height values.
Fixed bug where width style value wouldn't be removed if you switched width unit from cm/em to pixels or percent.
Fixed bug where the search/replace input box wasn't auto focused like the other dialogs.
Fixed bug where the old mceAddControl command would use the fullscreen settings next time it created an instance.
Fixed bug where multiple lines where added to the target cell if you merged multiple empty cells.
Fixed bug where drop down menus would be incorrectly positioned inside scrollable divs.
Fixed bug where the separators of the silver skin variant didn't display correctly in IE 6.
Fixed bug where createStyleSheet seems to load scripts at opposite order in some IE versions.
Fixed bug where directionality could produce odd results for the UI and the dialogs.
Fixed bug where the DOM serializer wouldn't serialize custom namespaced attributes in IE 6 using the *[*] valid elements rule.
Fixed bug where table caption would be inserted after the thead element if you swapped a tr to be inside the thead.
Fixed bug where the youtube detection logic for the media plugin was to generic.
Fixed so the deprecated and undocumented theme_advanced_path_location set to none won't hide the whole statusbar.
Fixed so most input lists can have whitespace in them they are now split using the new tinymce.explode method.
Fixed so the popup_css and popup_css_add URLs are relative to where the current document is located.
Fixed various bugs and quirks with the store/restore selection logic.
Fixed so the editor starts in IE 8 standards mode but still that browser is very very buggy.
Fixed so dialog_type set to modal will block the background and other inline windows and only give access to the front most window.
2008-04-30 TinyMCE 3.0.8 Released