Sorry for my english, but i cannot speak russian
Hi prestashopers (which include users and developers!) I was going to start learning and eventually adopt this platform but something was unclear as per version 1.6 and 1.7 of it.
I absolutely need advanced stock managing like bundling products together for example: 1 Videogame Console + 1 Game + 1 Memory Card, in these exact quantities maybe in a new item called "Christmas Bundle" like a simple product, having a promo price, and more importantly warehouse quantities that makes the bundle active or inactive automatically...
So if i have in stock only 1 console and 1 game the bundle won't activate and will be out of stock automatically because of missing memory card.
Is this kind of stock management available by default? if so which version? 1.6 or 1.7? or i should use third party modules for doing that?
I really needed that kind of shop automation for not having a situation where i sell 2 items and i have only 1 in stock because one is single product and another one is bundled...
I just want to sell products and accessories if available, with a discount when bought together!
Thank you for your time and hints, or excuse me if it's wrong section, but seems to be a lively place here, and many people answer and are willing to help other people, compared to any other forum i visited