Change log:
1.8 (2013-11-01)
* Add reservations in admin.
* Approving/canceling a reservation modifies the calendar data.
* Back End CSS bugs fixed.
* Custom Post Types bugs fixed.
* Edit unavailable days bug fixed.
* Front End CSS bugs fixed.
* Instant/Waiting approval display bug fixed.
* JavaScript in Admin Posts fixed.
* Localhost bugs fixed.
* Prices, deposits, discounts can have float values.
* Plugin paths updated.
* Reservations system has been completly modified.
* Select days from different months on front End Calendar bug fixed.
* Translation system has been updated.
* User management updated.
* Windows server mySQL text fields bug fixed.
1.7 (2013-07-31)
* Add calendars in widgets.
* Approve reservation bug fix.
* Back End style changes.
* Calendar ID is removed from clients notification emails.
* CSS bug fixes.
* Custom Post Type added.
* Date select is fixed when minimum amount of days is set.
* Datepicker bug fix, when you can select only one day.
* Drop Down Fields display correct selected option in Email.
* Hours info displayed on day hover.
* Major changes in hours logic and display.
* Newly created forms display correct after PayPal Payment.
* PayPal notification email content bug fix.
* Send email using normal function if SMTP is incorrect.
* Tables not created on Windows OS bug fixed.
* Text on Settings page has been changed.
* Translation for Check Fields added.
* User role is updated when is changed in WP admin.
* When hours are enabled days details can be set manually or set depending on hours details on that current day.
* WordPress update error fixed.
1.6 (2013-06-15)
* Admin language is different for each user.
* Compatibility fixes.
* Custom Forms tweaks.
* Database update.
* Datepicker & Google translate incompatibility bug fixed.
* Display calendar id & name in notifications emails.
* Display hours interval from current hour to next one.
* Posibility to hide Number of Items select field has been added.
* You can set booking requests to by approved instanly, or not.
* You have the possibility to calculate the total price using the last hour selected value, or not.
1.5 (2013-06-08)
* CSS incompatibility fixes.
* Custom Forms added.
* Datepicker z-index bug fix.
* Email header is custom.
* Group day date is displayed correctly after select.
* Users Permissons translation fixes.
1.4 (2013-06-03)
* ACAO buster added.
* Admin change language bug fix.
* Administrators can create calendars for users.
* Calendar loading time is improved.
* Calendar resize on hidden elements bug fix.
* Database is deleted when you delete the plugin.
* Display only an information calendar in Front End.
* Emails are sent using wp_mail().
* Indonesia Rupiah currency bug fix.
* PayPal credit card payment bug fix.
* PayPal session bug fixed.
* Select first day of the week.
* Slow admin bug fix.
* Small Admin changes.
* Touch devices freeze bug fix.
* Translation fixes.
* Update notification added.
* User permissions updated.
1.3 (2012-12-13)
* Correct hours format is displayed.
* Deposit feature has been added.
* Discounts by number of days booked have been added.
* Email message and language bugs have been fixed.
* Frontend responsive has been added.
* Touch devices navigation has been enabled.
* You can translate the Sidebar Datepicker.
* You can use PayPal credit card payment.
1.2 (2012-11-01)
* AM/PM hour format added.
* Hours data save bug fixed.
* Language files added (but not translated).
* Morning Check Out added.
* Past hours are removed from current day.
* Rejected reservation notification email fix.
* Reservation cancel added.
* Shortcode generator doesn't appear if you are not allowed to create calendars or you didn't create any calendars.
* SMTP SSL fix.
* User permissions bug fix.
* You can select minimum and/or maximum amount of days that can be booked.
* You can set default hours values by day(s).
1.1 (2012-09-05)
* Administrators can view and edit users calendars.
* Back End & Front End CSS incompatibility fixes.
* Clean script to remove past days info to clear database from unecessary data.
* Database structure has been changed (now is much faster to save/load data & works on server with few resources).
* Delete calendar bug fix.
* Display corect month in future years bug fix.
* Emails template system added.
* ereg() function replaced with preg_match().
* PayPal bugs fixed.
* Reservation ID is displayed in notifications emails.
* Terms & Conditions checkbox and link added.
* You can now add calendar sidebar in a widget area.
* You can set if indiviadual users can create or not calendars.
* You can use SMTP to send notification emails.
1.0 (2012-07-15)
* Initial release.
Installation: Upload the folder dopbsp from the zip file to "wp-content/plugins/" and activate the plugin in your admin panel or upload dopbsp.zip in the "Add new" section