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Плагин WP All Import

Зравствуйте. не подскажите, почему когда WP All Import залил файл csv . сделал шаблон всё сохранено. И потом, когда надо что то подправить в файле csv. заливаешь его заново в этот шаблон, то плагин не видит этот новый файл, сбоку пишет History file not found. Probably you are using wrong encoding or XPath.
Зравствуйте. не подскажите, почему когда WP All Import залил файл csv . сделал шаблон всё сохранено. И потом, когда надо что то подправить в файле csv. заливаешь его заново в этот шаблон, то плагин не видит этот новый файл, сбоку пишет History file not found. Probably you are using wrong encoding or XPath.
заливай не файлом с пк, а в папку аплоуд например, туда прописывай путь и его уже правь, те импорт будет по урлу
странно, 4.8.7 сразу на двух сайтов на разных хостингах не сохраняет на 4 шаге, кнопка Continue не пашет. откатил н а 4.8.4 ...
WP All Export Pro 1.8.9
Безопасно. Оригинальный плагин без модификаций с сайта производителя.

minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
improvement: require the 'setup_network' meta capability for access
bug fix: order meta not included when only stored in HPOS tables
bug fix: real time exports don't run for records imported via a cron import
bug fix: PHP notice breaking Automatic Scheduling calls when display errors is enabled
bug fix: generate a valid tab delimited file for GMC exports
bug fix: manage exports page not honoring date and time formats set in WordPress
bug fix: do not remove HTML markup from GMC description field
bug fix: only one order item is exported in custom XML exports when HPOS is enabled
bug fix: the export file is sometimes deleted after export when WP All Import is active
bug fix: all orders are exported when using real time exports with HPOS only
bug fix: new Add-On API field sections not showing for Order exports (requires WooCommerce Export Add-On version 1.0.10 beta 1.4+)
bug fix: only retrieve shop_order record type from HPOS
bug fix: fatal error when exporting WooCommerce Customers
bug fix: license key is jumbled if AUTH_SALT changes
bug fix: fatal error if HPOS enabled and no valid order found when exporting order meta
bug fix: deprecation notice when running user exports
bug fix: add missing parameter to PMXE_Admin_Export class
bug fix: parse error when using custom functions with certain values
bug fix: fatal error when saving exports in some cases
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
bug fix: restore compatibility with PHP 7.4
bug fix: Gravity Forms add-on exporting HTML encoded values
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
API: first version of new add-on API
bug fix: GMC height and width fields incorrectly calculated in some cases
bug fix: client mode options do not appear in some cases
bug fix: ‘count’ fatal error in WP_Comment_Query exports
bug fix: WooCommerce Product post meta not correctly retrieved with HPOS active
improvement: better GMC Next support
improvement: increase accuracy of Scheduling service connection checks

Имя: wp-all-export-pro#1-8-9.zip
Размер: 2101267 байтов (2052 KiB)
CRC32: 73DC2D4F
SHA256: f47b19eaf4bf0489022786328493b4bce2110e25b26491a24e3e3d3a9074244c
SHA1: 7d44e166c5b0fc5174ede45bf288da5399f14a35
WP All Import Pro 4.8.8
Безопасно. Оригинальный плагин без модификаций с сайта производителя.

minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
improvement: remove unused moment.js
improvement: do not trigger saving template or import settings pages when pressing 'Enter'
bug fix: FTP 'newest' and 'oldest' not excluding folders when locating target for download
bug fix: incorrect FTP timestamps for files less than 6 months old which were last modified last year
bug fix: post author is set to any user named 'admin' when no author is provided when running via cron or WP-CLI
bug fix: don't store base64 encoded images from content in *pmxi_images table
bug fix: resolve dynamic property notices in UniqueNode class
bug fix: option to specify fields to update doesn't work for JetEngine and Meta Box add-ons
bug fix: apply options to delete images and attachments to variations when bulk deleting imported products
bug fix: all fields are updated when specific fields are listed for update in JetEngine and Meta Box add-ons
bug fix: add support for non-image files to media fields in the add-on API
bug fix: ensure chunk file was opened before trying to use file functions on it
bug fix: fatal error in PHP 8+ for some JSON feeds
bug fix: use correct slugs for add-on changelogs and update requests
bug fix: revert to old line ending behavior when reading CSV files in PHP 8.1+