Плагин Table Of Contents CK Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016
1731178647537.pngCreate automatically your table of content within your article with a simple tag/shortcode. It wil get all your Hx tags, create the list and it will scroll automatically on click.

How to use it
Just add the shortcode {toc} in your article and it will automatically create the table. Each title tag (H1, H2, etc) will get a custom ID where you can scroll by clicking the table link
Easy as pie !

Smooth scroll
It is compatible with Scroll To CK for a smooth scroll. Each link of the table of contents will get the css class needed for that. Just install and publish Scroll To CK, and it will work.

Enable the option in the plugin to load it on every article automatically. And if you don't want it on a specific article, use the tag {notoc}

External call
You can place the TOC of an article in a custom module, call it by its ID : {toc XX}

Compatible with cyrillic characters
You can use it in your own language even if you are using cyrillic characters

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Table Of Contents CK Pro 1.2.3