Я использую
All in One SEO Pack
obsocialbookmarker (Add social book mark icons and links at the bottom of each post: bookmarks options includes del.icio.us, reddit, slashdot it, digg, facebook, technorati, google, stumble, windows live, tailrank, bloglines, furl, netscape, yahoo, blinklist, feed me links, co.mments, bloglines, bookmark.it, ask, diggita, mister wong, backflip, spurl, netvouz, diigo, dropjack, segnalo, stumbleupon, simpy, newsvine, slashdot it,wink, linkagogo,rawsugar,fark,squidoo)
WP Navigation Tool (NAVT) (Create, organize and manage your site menus and navigation lists by logically grouping your pages and categories via a drag’n drop interface. Manage your navigation lists from the NAVT Lists menu tab in the Manage Menu)