Dear Madam, dear Sir,
I am Frédéric Vacher, I work at PrestaShop as a Partnership Manager.
Due to the change of our Addons policy from our Addons dpt, I notice you that all modules currently for free will be deactivated during the night of the 20th of April.
As your module is free in our Addons platform, you have two possibilities :
- You can submit another time your module in our Addons platform fixing a minimum price, we suggest to sell your module at 50€ for example. You will have 70% of the revenue generated by the sale of your module.
- You can also contact me to discuss about a potential partnership with PrestaShop in order to continue to display your module for free. Only companies which have a partnership with us can display modules for free and certified by PrestaShop. I attached you all the benefits using an Addons partnership.