English Magento Help section

Hello all, I am having issues with my customer shipping address section. When in checkout page, if customer changes shipping address, I get this error message:
"Street Address" is a required value.
"Street Address" length must be equal or greater than 1 characters.

I followed below, but the error remains. I use Magento 1.9.2 and I am testing this using Magento's default one page check out. Help will be greatly aprreciated.

could you please explain this more detailed?
for ex.
Customer is already registered or not? or it is irrilevant ( both have this issue )?
Are you looking for a solution to remove the Shipping address and leave only the "billing/shipping" address or do you need both?
Does it works if you don't modify the shipping address?
Do you checked the onepage checkout files ( app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Block/Onepage/Onepage.php and app/code/core/mage/checkout/controller/Onepagecontrollers.php ) and compare them to a fresh downloaded version of magento to see if something is different?
Can you post a screenshot of the erro?
could you please explain this more detailed?
for ex.
Customer is already registered or not? or it is irrilevant ( both have this issue )?
Are you looking for a solution to remove the Shipping address and leave only the "billing/shipping" address or do you need both?
Does it works if you don't modify the shipping address?
Do you checked the onepage checkout files ( app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Block/Onepage/Onepage.php and app/code/core/mage/checkout/controller/Onepagecontrollers.php ) and compare them to a fresh downloaded version of magento to see if something is different?
Can you post a screenshot of the erro?
many thanks for your response. In my case, I'm testing as an already setup customer who wants to change billing and shipping address, when I click on continue after address change, I get the pop-up message ""Street Address" is a required value.
"Street Address" length must be equal or greater than 1 characters."
Lastly, I couldn't find these files: app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Block/Onepage/Onepage.php and app/code/core/mage/checkout/controller/Onepagecontrollers.php
in my folders. Is that a must for
Instead, I found app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Block/Onepage.php + app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/OnepageController.php and the contents match a fresh file.

I should also mention that I used have this error in my Customer Address area from backend when I cadd address to customer information:Fatal error: Call to a member function setAttribute() on a non-object in /app/code/core/Mage/Eav/Model/Attribute/Data.php on line 80
and I fixed it by restoring from a backup. Could this be a symptom of the current issue?


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    Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 10.28.45 PM.png
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hum.. xenaPrincess, looking at your screenshot seems that the second line of the address is empty.
what happens if you fill this field?
Does the checkout works?
@xenaPrincess :

That looks like JavaScript validation error! if you have JavaScript validation active on your checkout page for those fields, you should also deactivate JS validation for those too when you remove them from the form. Check the JS files and take care of it :)
Did anyone try Mageworx Order Management 2.1.1. on their site? I noticed that when extension is turned ON, Paypal transaction data is not transfered to order. Also, filtering orders (i.e. by Pending) is not working either. I'm using Magento

The instruction on how to do it really depends on the theme you are using.

But it's a very simple process... First of all go and see how JavaScript validation works.

Regular themes usually use jQuery plugins to do validation control.

All you need to do is to find out the piece of JS that controls the validation and the values. Then you should remove the unnecessary arguments.

Of course before that make sure that back-end seeings on the Magento configuration section is taken care of.
hum.. xenaPrincess, looking at your screenshot seems that the second line of the address is empty.
what happens if you fill this field?
Does the checkout works?
The same result. I also removed the field and still the same error message

@xenaPrincess :

That looks like JavaScript validation error! if you have JavaScript validation active on your checkout page for those fields, you should also deactivate JS validation for those too when you remove them from the form. Check the JS files and take care of it :)
Many thanks for this. Can you possibly inform me of how to get this done?

Will do, I also did further testings, and noticed that I am unable to save address from customer's 'add new address' in My Account from the frontend. I believe this could be related. Is it still a JS issue? I tried to check for error using firebug, and nothing came up. It simply reset the page to original setting on Save.

I found the problem! There was an incorrect entry in
eav_attribute. I had 'text' written in the frontend_input area, changing it to 'multiline' solved the issue. I can not for the life of me figure out, how this error even happened but I'm glad to be done with it. Many thanks for your help!

On another note, I installed plumrocket slider module and I used it's settings to set up slideshow on my home page without creating a block, now the homepage slider is showing on EVERY page and there is no back end area within the module to set the size. I would appreciate help with restricting the size and getting it to show only on the home page as the manual suggested.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Hello, a bump on an earlier question;

I installed plumrocket slider module and I used it's settings to set up slideshow on my home page without creating a block, now the homepage slider is showing on EVERY page and there is no back end area within the module to set the size. I would appreciate help with restricting the size and getting it to show only on the home page as the manual suggested. If there is a better banner slider module that tracks clicks, please inform me.
put in code of template or block (module method)
Mage::getSingleton('cms/page')->getIdentifier() == 'home' &&
Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()->getRouteName() == 'cms'
) : ?>
// Put your homepage-only code in here.
<?php endif; ?>

if($this->getIsHomePage()) {
    echo 'You are in Homepage!';
} else {
    echo 'You are NOT in Homepage!';

//If you are elsewhere (in any other .phtml template file or in any other .php class file) then you can use the following code:

if(Mage::getBlockSingleton('page/html_header')->getIsHomePage()) {
    echo 'You are in Homepage!';
} else {
    echo 'You are NOT in Homepage!';
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Many thanks, I ended up changing the placeholder location to custom and then added the code to a static block on my homepage.
Adding the code to cms-> page -> home page -> content, ended up moving the banner to a much lower section of the page than I wanted it to. Plumrocket's extension does not come with a homepage ready setting...I thought it did and that I made some error during configuration.
Thanks again, your solution helped me rethink how I was going about it.

I recently installed wyomind advanced inventory 5.1.2, but I got below messages in return :conf:
Any help will be much appreciated.

Wyomind Pos / Warehouses
Your activation key is not yet registered.
Go to system > configuration > Wyomind > Pos / Warehouses.
Wyomind Mass Stock Update
Your activation key is not yet registered.
Go to system > configuration > Wyomind > Mass Stock Update.
Wyomind Advanced Inventory
Your activation key is not yet registered.
Go to system > configuration > Wyomind > Advanced Inventory.
Wyomind Pickup@Store
Your activation key is not yet registered.
Go to system > configuration > Wyomind > Pickup@Store.
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