'charset' => "windows-cp1251",
'admin_logo' => "engine/skins/images/nav.jpg",
'wysiwyg_language' => "en",
// 7.3
'opt_sys_flvw' => "Allow watermark image on .flv files",
'opt_sys_flvwd' => "If it's set to 'Yes', when the video is played, your logo will be showed. Logo should be placed in /TEMPLATE/dleimages/flv_watermark.png",
'opt_sys_adt' => "Allow keywords to be added in tags clowd when new articles are submitted",
'opt_sys_adtd' => "If it's set to 'Yes ' keywords to be added in tags clowd when new articles are submitted",
'filter_type' => "Type of filtration",
'filter_type_1' => "Similar",
'filter_type_2' => "Exact",
'opt_sys_afix' => "Allow editors choice articles:",
'opt_sys_afixd' => "If turned off MySQL usage will be lower",
'spoiler_title' => "Show / Hide text",
'upload_standart' => "Regular file upload",
'upload_mass' => "Batch files upload",
'upload_queue' => "Filelist of the uploaded files",
'upload_cancel' => "Cancel all uploads",
'upload_waehlen' => "Choose files for batch upload",
'upload_mass_info' => "Click and hold <b>Ctrl</b>, pick all files you want to batch upload to the server and click <b>Open</b>.",
'opt_sys_maxfile' => "Maximum allowed filesize is",
'opt_sys_maxfiled' => "Enter maximum allowed size for upload in kb, for instance for 2Mb limit set 2048. If you enter 0, there won't be any limitations",
'opt_sys_maxfilec' => "Maximum count of uploaded files in batch mode",
'opt_sys_maxfilecd' => " Enter maximum count of uploaded files in batch mode, if you don't want limit set 0.",
'files_too_big' => "The file you are trying to upload is too big",
'files_max_info' => "Maximum allowed size for single file is",
'files_max_info_1' => "Maximum allowed size for single image file is",
'files_max_info_2' => "Unlimited upload file size",
// 7.3
'reg_err_30' => "Username field cannot be empty!",
'reg_err_31' => "Password cannot be less than 6 characters!",
'reg_err_32' => "Passwords doesn't match!",
'reg_err_33' => "Your E-mail is not correct!",
'rss_user' => "Subscribe to all articles by this user",
'show_archive' => "Show archive",
'no_message' => "There are no private messages",
'spoiler_title' => "Show / Hide text",
// 7.3