Модуль Topics Wall 1.5.1

А описание ? тьфу... :mad:

Creates a new section of your board ( like a facebook 'wall', with topics 'shared' by users ), where users can see topics ordered by filters, such as most commented, highest rated etc.

- You decide forums that can have a 'wall'
- You decide usergroups that can access the application
- ONLY users that have access to that forum ( can view forum and can read topics within it ) can see the 'wall' of that forum
- Totally customizable on acp, through settings panel
- Two hooks included
Many other features...[/spoil]

Переведу что-ли чутка:
[spoil]Cоздаёт что-то типа стены в ВК\ФБ где пользователи могут видеть топики по фильтрам, комментить их и.т.п.
- Управление темами на стене.
- Управление группами которые имеют доступ к стене.
- Только для юзверей
- Полная кастомизация через АЦП
- Два хука ????
.... и чё то там ещё ))) [/spoil]

Полное описание на инглише:
[spoil]This is the perfect application for you, if you want to create a sort of index or catalog.
Let's say that you have a board with users posting reviews of their favourite movies, music albums they like, tv serials that appasionate them or just a board used as 'market' where users post stuff that they want to sell in private.

NOTE: 1.6 is for invision power board 3.2 only AND it is only a minor update, few things have changed, this is NOT a major release. Do NOT install this version if your version of IPB is 3.1.4 or older, install the 1.5.1 instead. IF YOU DOWNLOADED THIS FILE ON Aug 12 2011, please donwnload this file again, since a bug was fixed.
Price tag is now 19 dollars.

Topics Wall will create a professional list of topics shown with three different viewing modes.
- You can select the detailed view, with the preview image of the movie poster, the album cover, or the item the user is selling with rating, views, comments, preview text of the topic;
- the classic mode, characterized by a list, just the way you look a forum, with more details.
- the all new facebook style mode, that it is just the same as viewing one of your friends' wall.
You, as the Administrator, decide the default viewing mode, but you can also let your users decide their favourite viewing mode, if you want.

There will be two different homes: one is the Application Home, when you click Topics Wall. It will show the X (you decide the number) topics ordered as you like (latest, most commented, most visited, highest rated) belonging to forums you enabled.
The other one, is the Forum Wall Home, but only topics belonging to that particular forum will appear.
You can think of this application as an alternate way to see the default invision's 'forum view'.

You can choose forums that will have a 'wall' (or index) and which usergroups can access the application.
Don't worry about permissions: the first requirements for usergroups to view the index of a particular forum, is that they can access that forum, that means that they can view that forum and read topics within it.
So, if you have a usergroup called 'Test usergroup', who cannot access 'Test Forum 1' and decide to let them access Topics Wall application, and you enable the wall in 'Test Forum 1' and 'Test Forum 2', that usergroup can still access the application, but a error message will appear if they try to access the wall in 'Test Forum 1'.
Same thing with Password protected forums, users must insert the password in that forum before accessing its wall.

Topics Wall comes with two hooks:
- goToWall: shows a simple button near the 'new topic' button, that brings you directly to the Home Wall of that forum.
- indexAndTopics: in forums enabled, will create a table with the index letters of that forum and the last 10 topics ordered as you like (most viewed, recently commented, highest rated ecc ), shown with the Detailed Mode.

Please read FAQs included in the zip file before installing the application.
Send me an e-mail for feedback, bug reports or other problems, I usually reply as soon as I receive the email (Parlo italiano, I speak English, Hablo español )!

WARNING: For as much this application has been tested, there will still be bugs and issues. If you find any, please contact me.

Скрин работы:
Такого файла не существует или он был удален из-за нарушения авторских прав.
Чет я не пойму для какой версии форума... на скринах вроде 3.2 а вы пишите 3.1 ?