- Регистрация
- 22 Июн 2007
- Сообщения
- 467
- Реакции
- 16
- Автор темы
- #1
Поправьте пожалуйста код!
На PHP 5.2 работает а на PHP 5.4 нет, просто белый экран...
Сойти на 5.2 не могу, так как тогда другие сайты перестанут работать.
На PHP 5.2 работает а на PHP 5.4 нет, просто белый экран...
Сойти на 5.2 не могу, так как тогда другие сайты перестанут работать.
require 'cp-includes/inc-confdata.php';
require 'cp-includes/inc-branding.php';
require 'cp-includes/inc-resource.php';
require 'cp-includes/inc-general.php';
require 'cp-includes/inc-functions.php';
require 'cp-includes/inc-secure.php';
if ($demo)
$dis = 'disabled=\'disabled\'';
$dis = '';
$page_titl = 'Photo Manager';
$page_desc = '';
$page_keys = '';
$page_this = 'l';
$page_mode = 'lb';
$page_subn = 'p';
$path_root = '';
$link = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
mysql_select_db ($dbname, $link);
$result = mysql_query ('SELECT * FROM ' . $dbconf, $link);
$conf = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$conf = safe_data ($conf, 'display');
$_GET = safe_data ($_GET, 'query');
$result = mysql_query ('SELECT * FROM ' . $dblist . ' WHERE id=\'' . $_GET['id'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result);
if ($_SESSION[c2][user_type] == 1)
if ($_SESSION[c2][user_type] <= $row[user_type])
if ($row[userid] != $_SESSION[c2][userid])
if (!($conf[user_mod]))
header ('location:cp-list-index.php');
if ($_SESSION[c2][user_type] == 2)
if ($_SESSION[c2][user_type] <= $row[user_type])
if ($row[userid] != $_SESSION[c2][userid])
if (!($conf[admin_mod]))
header ('location:cp-list-index.php');
if ($_POST[submit])
if (!($demo))
$_GET[id] = $_POST[id];
$_POST = safe_data ($_POST, 'query');
foreach ($_FILES as $line)
if (!(empty ($line[name])))
$info = getimagesize ($line[tmp_name]);
if (!((!($info[2] == 2) AND !($info[2] == 3))))
$file = substr (time () . rand (10000, 99999), -15);
if ($info[2] == 2)
$file .= '.jpg';
$file .= '.png';
copy ($line[tmp_name], '../temp/' . $file);
$new = new_dim ($info[0], $info[1], $sizes[small][0], $sizes[small][1]);
resize ('../temp/' . $file, 'cp-thumbs/' . $file, $info[0], $info[1], $new[x], $new[y], $info[2]);
$new = new_dim ($info[0], $info[1], $sizes[thumb][0], $sizes[thumb][1]);
resize ('../temp/' . $file, '../thumbs/' . $file, $info[0], $info[1], $new[x], $new[y], $info[2]);
$new = new_dim ($info[0], $info[1], $sizes[large][0], $sizes[large][1]);
resize ('../temp/' . $file, '../images/' . $file, $info[0], $info[1], $new[x], $new[y], $info[2]);
$new = new_dim ($info[0], $info[1], $sizes[enlarge][0], $sizes[enlarge][1]);
resize ('../temp/' . $file, '../enlarge/' . $file, $info[0], $info[1], $new[x], $new[y], $info[2]);
unlink ('../temp/' . $file);
mysql_query ('INSERT INTO ' . $dbimgs . ' VALUES(\'0\', \'' . $_POST['id'] . '\', \'' . $file . '\')', $link);
mysql_query ('UPDATE ' . $dblist . ' SET images=images+1 WHERE id=\'' . $_POST['id'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
$upload = true;
$error .= 'The photo (' . $line[name] . ') you attempted to upload is not a valid JPG or PNG file.<br/>';
if ($_GET[remove])
if (!($demo))
$_GET = safe_data ($_GET, 'query');
unlink ('../images/' . $_GET['remove']);
unlink ('../enlarge/' . $_GET['remove']);
unlink ('../thumbs/' . $_GET['remove']);
unlink ('cp-thumbs/' . $_GET['remove']);
mysql_query ('DELETE FROM ' . $dbimgs . ' WHERE fname=\'' . $_GET['remove'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
mysql_query ('UPDATE ' . $dblist . ' SET images=images-1 WHERE id=\'' . $_GET['id'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
if ($_GET[crnt])
if ($_GET[trgt])
if (!($demo))
$_GET = safe_data ($_GET, 'query');
$result = mysql_query ('SELECT * FROM ' . $dbimgs . ' WHERE id=\'' . $_GET['crnt'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
$current = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$result = mysql_query ('SELECT * FROM ' . $dbimgs . ' WHERE id=\'' . $_GET['trgt'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
$target = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
mysql_query ('UPDATE ' . $dbimgs . ' SET
listid=\'' . $current['listid'] . '\',
fname=\'' . $current['fname'] . '\'
WHERE id=\'' . $_GET['trgt'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
mysql_query ('UPDATE ' . $dbimgs . ' SET
listid=\'' . $target['listid'] . '\',
fname=\'' . $target['fname'] . '\'
WHERE id=\'' . $_GET['crnt'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
$_GET = safe_data ($_GET, 'query');
$result = mysql_query ('SELECT * FROM ' . $dblist . ' WHERE id=\'' . $_GET['id'] . '\' LIMIT 1', $link);
$_POST = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$_POST = safe_data ($_POST, 'display');
require 'cp-includes/inc-header.php';
require 'cp-includes/inc-navigation.php';
echo '
<div id=\'content\'>
<h1>Photo Manager</h1>
<p>You can use the form below to upload photos for this listing. Your photos will automatically be resized to a
maximum of 500x375.<br/> We recommend uploading photos no larger than 1024x768.</p>
if ($error)
echo '<div id=\'msg-error\'>' . $error . '</div>';
echo ' ';
if ($upload)
echo '<div id=\'msg-success\'>The photo(s) you uploaded have been resized and stored successfully.</div>';
echo '
<div class=\'form alt\'>
$result = mysql_query ('SELECT id,fname FROM ' . $dbimgs . ' WHERE listid=\'' . $_GET['id'] . '\' ORDER BY id ASC', $link);
if (mysql_num_rows ($result))
$files = array ();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result))
array_push (&$files, $row);
echo '<table border=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\'><tr>';
for ($n = 0; $n < count ($files); ++$n)
$file = $files[$n][1];
echo '<td style=\'padding-bottom:10px;\' width=\'144\' align=\'center\' valign=\'bottom\'>';
echo '<img style=\'margin-bottom:5px; width:100px;\' src=\'../thumbs/' . $file . '\'/><br/>';
if (0 < $n)
if (1 < count ($files))
echo '<a href=\'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&crnt=' . $files[$n][0] . '&trgt=' . $files[$n - 1][0] . '\'><img class=\'none\' src=\'cp-interface/arrow-left.gif\' align=\'middle\'/></a> ';
echo '<a href=\'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?remove=' . $file . '&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '\'>Remove Photo</a>';
if ($n < count ($files) - 1)
echo ' <a href=\'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&crnt=' . $files[$n][0] . '&trgt=' . $files[$n + 1][0] . '\'><img class=\'none\' src=\'cp-interface/arrow-right.gif\' align=\'middle\'/></a> ';
echo '</td>';
if (!(($n + 1) % 5))
if ($n < count ($files))
echo '</tr><tr>';
echo '</tr></table>';
echo '<div align=\'center\'>There are no photos to display for this listing.</div>';
echo ' </div>
<form action=\'';
echo '\' method=\'post\' enctype=\'multipart/form-data\'>
<div class=\'form\'>
<table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\'>
<td class=\'label\'><label for=\'photo1\'>Photo Upload 1:</label></td>
<td><input type=\'file\' id=\'photo1\' name=\'photo1\'/></td>
<td><label for=\'photo2\'>Photo Upload 2:</label></td>
<td><input type=\'file\' id=\'photo2\' name=\'photo2\'/></td>
<td><label for=\'photo3\'>Photo Upload 3:</label></td>
<td><input type=\'file\' id=\'photo3\' name=\'photo3\'/></td>
<td><label for=\'photo4\'>Photo Upload 4:</label></td>
<td><input type=\'file\' id=\'photo4\' name=\'photo4\'/></td>
<td><label for=\'photo5\'>Photo Upload 5:</label></td>
<td><input type=\'file\' id=\'photo5\' name=\'photo5\'/></td>
<td><label for=\'photo6\'>Photo Upload 6:</label></td>
<td><input type=\'file\' id=\'photo6\' name=\'photo6\'/></td>
<div class=\'form alt\'>
<table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\'>
<td align=\'center\'><input type=\'submit\' name=\'submit\' value=\'Upload Photos\' ';
echo $dis;
echo '/></td>
<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'id\' value=\'';
echo $_POST[id];
echo '\'/>
require 'cp-includes/inc-footer.php';