Модуль Модуль сбора информации о посещения


7 Дек 2012
Добрый день!

Нужен модуль который собирает информацию о посещении сайта и пишет в эту таблицу. Слышал есть такие.
в дефолтной престе включите все модули из раздела статистики - чего там только не пишется :)
Добрый день!

Нужен модуль который собирает информацию о посещении сайта и пишет в эту таблицу. Слышал есть такие.
в дефолтной престе включите все модули из раздела статистики - чего там только не пишется :)
Встроенный фукционал статы неплох... в 1,5 круче было канешна ;)
Но этого должно хватить... Чего не хватает?
I sum to your demand.
Prestashop have a lot of stadistics about products, categories, best sellers, best costumers but I didn't find any module about customer stadistics,
I would like know the categories more visited for a individual customer to know their preferences and of course for the products visited and buyed the main categorie.
For example a sport shop
Soccer - Basket - Tennis - Gym - General
I would like know if my customer only buy and see soccer or several with a rate about this.
In this way you can offer a customer newsletter without disturbment with products the customer don't want know.
There is modules to let customer mark preferences you want but this way isn't right in my opinion.
I would pay for a good module
I sum to your demand.
Prestashop have a lot of stadistics about products, categories, best sellers, best costumers but I didn't find any module about customer stadistics,
I would like know the categories more visited for a individual customer to know their preferences and of course for the products visited and buyed the main categorie.
For example a sport shop
Soccer - Basket - Tennis - Gym - General
I would like know if my customer only buy and see soccer or several with a rate about this.
In this way you can offer a customer newsletter without disturbment with products the customer don't want know.
There is modules to let customer mark preferences you want but this way isn't right in my opinion.
I would pay for a good module

I haven't seen such cool modules for prestashop

but in Google Analytics, you can see the maps of events

With this you can obtain info about "customers" but I think we need info about the "customer"
There is an important forgeted need in our virtual stores and it's the need to know your customers, I know there is CRM but I didn't get any CRM that let you obtain on fly the interests of a cutomer. You can write many things about them but when you work deal with you thousand of customers face to face, an automated system is a need.
Why I'm going to offer golf products to a person who never play and he never it's going to do it, it's enought for me that customers see that there is golf products because perhaps they have to do a gift, so I don't want hide it.
It's like use big data to micro data, like google adwords that know associated to your account all info about you, they know more than my wife, I know it's impossible or too expensive in another page site but I want know all my customer do, buy and search in my website, it's a need for any little shop as any of us. We aren't amazon, rakutten or google so I don't need big data, I need micro data. THe more similar to have a customer face to face